Dr. Raju Hajela
Physician, international speaker and consultant on addiction medicine, occupational health and chronic pain

As a prominent physician, speaker and consultant on addiction medicine, occupational health and chronic pain, Dr Raju Hajela has held leadership positions in medical organizations nationally and internationally. His lectures and workshops have been delivered worldwide to professionals, corporations, government, community organizations and to the general public on health and well-being.

As a consultant on Addiction Medicine, Occupational Health and Chronic Pain in the Calgary Health Region, Vice-President of the International Society of Addiction Medicine and the Director, Region IX (International) of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, Dr Hajela speaks with the authority of an experienced medical insider in his field.
His mission is to promote awareness and interventions related to physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being. When he speaks you immediately sense his sincere, yet strong resolve to reduce injuries and illness and enhance the quality of life for individuals, families and communities, including workplaces and workers.

Health is Wealth in the Workplace

The most precious resource of a healthy corporation is not just financial balance—it’s the healthy, balanced functioning of the human resource team. Healthy employees are more energetic, less likely to be involved in an accident, are sick less often and are able to recover from illness faster.
Dollars spent on employee health programs usually result in lower absenteeism, reduced sick leave, and lower job accident rates. Employee health translates into corporate health and wellness.

Addiction, Chronic Pain and Mental Health in the Workplace

Alcohol and other drugs related problems are very costly to corporations. In the workplace, the risk of harm is evident in terms of safety, work performance and overall productivity. Workers, supervisors and managers need to recognize problems early and offer appropriate intervention. Early education works at the abuse stage, but left unchecked problems can progress to addiction requiring detailed assessment, treatment and monitoring. The good news is that addiction is a treatable illness.

An alcohol/drug policy in the workplace is the first step toward minimizing the costs associated with workplace substance-related problems. A comprehensive policy will encourage early detection of substance use disorders, facilitate early intervention, and as feasible, provide support for the employee to get appropriate help. It would help the employer to avoid or reduce worker absenteeism, staff turnover, accidents, grievances, litigation, and disciplinary action related to addiction-related problems.

Early intervention, education and treatment make a big difference to individuals, families, workplaces and communities.

      Dr Hajela’s extensive knowledge and experience will assist you and your company to address employee substance use or gambling in an organized and structured approach:
  • Information and education for workers, supervisors and managers
  • Developing specific policies for early identification and early intervention
  • Assessment for Substance Use Disorders/Addiction and referral for treatment as needed
  • Monitoring for the returning worker to ensure success
  • Organizational initiatives to support returning workers
  • Specific steps to assist recovering employees, including what co-workers can do to offer support and encouragement
Dr Hajela's topics include:
  • Workplace Health: Essentials for Managers and Supervisors
  • Serenity Now! Optimising Health and Well-Being
  • Understanding Addiction: Where is the Choice?
  • Stress Management with Assertiveness and Boundaries
  • Concepts of Health and Disease - the Vedic Approach
  • Staying Real - ABCs of Mental Health!
Brief BIO:
Raju Hajela

Dr Hajela received his MD from Dalhousie University in 1982 and Master of Public Health (MPH) from the Harvard School of Public Health in 1988. His undergraduate studies were in Physics, an interest he has maintained, especially as the concepts relate to consciousness and health. He has practised Transcendental Meditation (TM) since 1986, completed training in Maharishi Ayurveda in 1994 and provided Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs for physicians regarding the benefit of TM personally and for patients.
Dr Hajela served in the Canadian Forces from 1979 to 1995. His assignments included a Field Medical Officer, United Nations (Golan Heights), Flight Surgeon, Canadian Forces Europe, Staff Officer - Occupational Health/Surgeon General’s Office and Director, Addiction Rehabilitation Centre in Kingston, Ontario. He is a retired Major.
Dr Hajela is a Certificant of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM) and the International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM); and is a Fellow of ASAM and CFPC. He is a Certified Medical Review Officer (CMRO) and Civil Aviation Medical Examiner (CAME). He held faculty appointments in Family Medicine and Psychiatry at Queen's University (1992-2001), and has taught medical students and residents at the University of Toronto, Queen's and the University of Calgary.